Port of Olympia selects new general legal counsel


The Port of Olympia is getting a new law firm to serve as its general counsel.

The Port Commission authorized Executive Director Alex Smith to sign a contract with Dickson Frohlich Phillips Burgess on Monday, June 24.

The firm’s contract begins July 1 and has a not-to-exceed amount of $250,000. As part of the contract, the firm’s principal attorney, Chris Pierce-Wright, will provide legal counsel on-site during commission meetings and other meetings.

HR Director Ben McDonald said the firm’s experience with real estate and redeveloping contaminated properties was highlighted during the interview.

The firm specializes in contracting and purchasing, land use and environmental law, zoning, commercial transactions, and construction disputes. McDonald added that the firm is well-versed in the Open Public Meetings Act and the Public Records Act.

The firm has already worked with the Port of Olympia on previous issues. McDonald said the firm helped the port on the OYO Hotel and the sale of the Commerce Building Center in Lacey.

The firm has also worked with the ports of Tacoma and Centralia, Northwest Seaport Alliance, and the legal committee of the Washington Public Ports Association.

The port sought a new general counsel as the contract of its current counsel, Rick Hughes, expires on July 1.

Five firms responded to the port’s request for proposals, but only two advanced through the interviews held on June 18.

The other firm was Ogden Murphy Wallace, which worked with Chelan Douglas, Moses Lake, Allyn, Duval, and Kirkland ports.


5 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • Southsoundguy

    I prefer Phillips Burgess over Ogden, not that I have anything against Ogden. PB has has better local roots.

    Tuesday, June 25 Report this

  • Boatyarddog


    During 2018 The Attorney for Port Business was Heather Burgess. At the time she was involved in the Ports Clean Water Acts violation as the attorney for Port Business. The Port LOST 1.3 million in Fines, I Do Not Think that the Burgess firm should be anywhere near Port Business. It is a really bad move in my opinion and I will e-mail Dir. Smith about what I know about the Burgess firm. Who the Heck is the Ports personal hiring advisor.

    Wednesday, June 26 Report this

  • JnNwmn

    I agree with the comment before this. Heather Burgess is an attorney who has worked with multiple governmental agencies here in Thurston County. In the past, this was a huge problem. She represented the City of OLY., the Port of Olympia, and others. Many of us felt that there was a conflict of interest. Many of us felt that these cases over-lapped. This went on and on for years.

    During Port public comment on this, some of this was discussed, during the last Port meeting. No one responded to this comment, or other recent comments regarding this practice, this attorney. It seems as if the Port of Olympia Commissioners all "VOTE IN LOCK STEP". They generally do not question what goes on after the staff has given the updates to the Port Commissioners. The Port Commissioners "go along to get along".....take the easy way out. They do not use critical thinking, but just keep going forward as did other Port Commissioners who led the way; Downing, McGreggor, etc.

    Wednesday, June 26 Report this

  • Southsoundguy

    Regarding the other comments, those seem to be Port problems.

    Wednesday, June 26 Report this

  • Boatyarddog

    Regarding southsoundguys comment:

    Counsel is required to Protect Legal intrests a POO however, Burgess seemed to not do due diligence work when it was noticed by Community members and Commissioners that DOE requirements where Ignored and As stated in the Lawsuit, extensions on time requirements were not Honored, or forwarded to Commissioners for Actions.

    Commissoners, McGregor, and Downing, holding up and Misinforming the Public that PROPER steps where being adhered to. Those were Lies to The Public and DOE and Waste Action of Coveington Wa., the issuer of the Lawsuite.

    Wonder why Burgess left the Port? Those same actions cost her that position, now she thinks we All forgot that 1.3 Million in Stake holders Money.


    Thursday, June 27 Report this