Olympia Regional Learning Academy's Class of 2024


This year's Olympia Regional Learning Academy (ORLA) graduating class received their diplomas at an elegant and joyous celebration on June 12 at the Indian Summer Golf & Country Club.

Graduates were surrounded by family, friends and the amazing ORLA staff members who shared memories and wisdom as this accomplished group of graduates set out to begin their next adventure.

Speeches featured words of encouragement and thanks by 2024 graduates Joseph Reese Williams and Bailey Lamb, Senior Advisor Leah Rasmussen, Assistant Principal Stacey Anderson, and Superintendent Patrick Murphy.

After each student received their diploma, they crossed the room to drum a singular tap on a tall drum. The annual tradition of beating the drum represents the accomplishment of the graduate and the end of a journey, also wishing them good luck on their next steps.

After the ceremonial turning of the tassel, announced by 2024 graduate Tyler Matthew Webb, graduates and guests enjoyed a beautiful dessert buffet, snapped photos and shared congratulatory hugs and high fives. 

Congratulations ORLA Class of 2024!


Brea Archuleta
Bryan Bowles
Lucero Contreras-Arellano
David Josiah Deming
Kenna Englert Mccurley
David M Kish
Bailey Lamb
Callie McGrath
Rayden McKune
Audra L'Amour McNeal
Luka Makyah Navarro Hummel
Amanda Pestinger
Nine T Pratt
Abigail Reichard
Fernanda Citlali Rodriguez Perez
David Bates Skaar
Sal Stocks
Tyler Matthew Webb
Joseph Reese Williams


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