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I read the article regarding the OSD board meeting. I see 5 things the OSD board seem to want to prioritize but no where did I see actual teaching of the subjects they will actually need in life. Shouldn't the main purpose of public education be to provide the reading, spelling, math, science etc.skills that they will need. None of those were mentioned. Maybe that's why Washington schools are ranking so low in these subjects. They care more about teaching young kids things they shouldn't even be concerned with yet. Priorities are way out of touch for the betterment of our children.

Another subject I found out that is not being taught anymore is writing cursive. Who in their glorious wisdom thought it was a good idea to stop teaching children how to write and read in cursive. People say they don't need it anymore because they have computers. What a stupid thing to say. What happens when they need to sign important documents or read a document in cursive and they can't even read it. What if we lost our power grids and they couldn't use their phones or computers. They would be absolutely lost and would not even be able to function because they aren't being taught to think problems through.

From: Community criticizes Olympia School District Board anew

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