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Obviously, looking at the email within this news report, the email indicates two core samples that reached decay - but did not detail how long the samples were after the decay. Back in middle school, in Tumwater, our teacher had us plot and document our own square foot or so of land and we watched a core sample be performed in person. Does the City of Tumwater staff, that may or may not live, work, and play within Tumwater almost every day, understand that we do not pay them to plan our lives and take our tax dollars out of town to where they live and play. The roundabout is reportedly $1.7 Million over budget. How much is being wasted on this tree already? This tree is not dead, this tree is not an eminent hazard, traffic did not and does not need to be rerouted, and this "native american sacred ground" that this honored mother oak tree represents, memorializes and protects should never be disturbed. Just my opinion.

From: Tumwater’s arborist contradicted himself on Davis-Meeker Oak

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