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This entire argument has it's roots in the Port's insistence on expanding the airport. We have told them over and over that the airport is a nuisance, a playground for the wealthy few who can afford private aircraft. We do NOT want it expanded. Not wanting to hear that, the Port merely tossed their ugly baby into Sullivan's lap, who wholeheartedly took up the attempt.

Sullivan and her cronies have never had any problems ''re routing traffic' when it suits them. Look at how long it's taking to finish the three ring circus at Trosper and Capitol. That has caused detours and taking side roads for at least a year if not longer. Did she think twice about the businesses that would be affected by the chaos this massive project has caused? Nope. Nor did she care. Several businesses have gone broke because of the construction. If she'd had half a heart, she would have given the businesses a moratorium on their business taxes. She didn't do that. Either. Did she care that people attempting to use Capitol or Trosper were held up with "long delays". Nope. So suddenly, she's worried about the people who use Capitol being inconvenienced by a rerouting? What the hey? We've been inconvenienced by her construction projects for years.

This is all gaslighting. We see it, we call her on it, she reacts and counter attacks. IShe's responding out of ego.

""Hurling insults and accusations'' at Sullivan were deserved. She and her cronies tried to sneak taking down the tree in February. Then she said, we'll take it down over the Memorial Day weekend when traffic is light. What country is she living in? Memorial Day weekend was a traffic NIGHTMARE, with people new to the area were trying to negotiate the three ring roundabout circus. She doubled down on the TRO. This is not 'accusations', it's reporting the truth. Had she been willing to accept that the we want to save the tree..thos os us who pay her salary...none of this would have happened. She has taken this thing to be a personal insult, a challenge to her mighty position, acting precisely as if she knows better than anyone. Even now, she's not saying, okay, you win. She wants an 'outside expert' to redo the study. What will she do when this person finds that the tree is okay, can be saved with some judicious pruning, and should be left alive?

LEave the tree alone. It is over 400 years old and doesn't that mean SOMETHING? How many of you would put a dog down for being old, even if it's still active and bright eyed? HOw many of you think, well, my lovely house is old, let's tear it down and up a new one. How many of us can afford to replace a car every year because it's last year's model? (Not me, I can assure you.) You reading this right now have some sort of illness inside you, one that will eventually crop out. Cancer. Parkinson's Alzheimer's. Shall you be put to death because of it?

Trees die.The Meeker oak doesn't need us to speed up the process. We've already destroyed thousands of trees in the name of 'progress'. Let the Meeker oak stand as a testiment to resiliance, superior genes and maybe, Mayor Sullivan, empathy and respect. The Oak currently looks vibrantly healthy. Last year it produced thousands of acorns...dying oaks don't do that. If the Oak has a few rotten parts inside, welllllllllll, so do all of us. The fearful amongst us, scared of having a limb fall off and hurt have a better chance of being killed by a drunk driver. The limbs might fall off? If the road is re routed, no one will care.

I would suggest to Ms. Sullivan that she was voted into her position and can be voted out. If she wants a legacy of cutting down a beautiful oak against the majority of people in Tumwater saying Don't....she will be remembered for THAT.

From: Tumwater mayor pauses plan to cut down Davis-Meeker Oak, agrees to a new risk assessment

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