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There's certainly nothing wrong with a second opinion. However, if that second opinion is the same as the first, will we be able to move on and accept the science? These oaks live to about 500 years old. This one is nearing the end of it's lifespan. It is highly likely that disease has taken hold and the tree is in worse shape than some think. Older trees are more prone to disease and infestation. It would be sad to lose such a tree, but so goes life. The positive side is it is likely the ancestor of many trees in the region. Acorns can be carried by birds for great distances and establish themselves as a new tree miles away. The worst part of this whole thing is how people treat each other. Accusing the Mayor and staff of some nefarious mission and hurling insults and accusations at them. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. I happen to know someone who lost their family to a falling branch from a tree. To them, it's not an insignificant thing.

From: Tumwater mayor pauses plan to cut down Davis-Meeker Oak, agrees to a new risk assessment

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