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The article quotes that contrary to statements by Director Denney that the City insurer recommended removal of the tree, a public records request revealed that “there was nothing in the record mentioning insurance raise rates, dropped coverage, or any consequences related to retaining or removing this Davis Meeker Oak.” Seems the issue of uninsured liability is not an immediate driver to have the tree removed. If it isn't, what is?

On the other hand, the tree can be dead inside and still have leaves. Reason says this is an arborist call and the only authoritative inspection made public was Kevin MacFarland's. If the tree is dean inside, it's easy to tell with by drilling some core samples. sample. McFarland is a great arborist. without empirical proof his report is wrong, the tree should come down. Trees are not immortal. Use the live part to make scores of new saplings. stop the mindless rhetoric and arguing about extraneous, irrelevant issues.

From: 'Save the Davis-Meeker Garry Oak' group leading multi-prong effort to save historic Tumwater tree

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