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Thank you The Jolt! No matter what happens this week, your journalism is going to be printed by me and handed out at the Air Show on the 15th and 16th, the air show right next to the Davis Meeker Garry Oak Tree, It will be shaming moments if there is a stump because the stump will probably be known as "The stump of the City of Tumwater. " It will go down in history as their failure to reach a meaningful resolution with calm people. The Tumwater City Council Meeting is tonight, a time for testimony and gathering. The Air Show "should be" fun (wear yellow)! And, I think the 2nd Tumwater City Council Meeting this month is cancelled. Save the historic 400 year mother oak tree!

From: 'Save the Davis-Meeker Garry Oak' group leading multi-prong effort to save historic Tumwater tree

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