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HotTractor gives us a fine example of precisely the attitude that perpetuates these abhorrent conditions for the homeless. As though they’re just hapless victims that lack any sort of agency who must be coddled at every turn because life has been really unfair to them. It’s 2024, it’s not exactly been a secret for the last 40 years that drug abuse leads down a dark path. Give the homeless the dignity of holding them accountable for their actions and stop their self-destruction.

The degree of human suffering that has been underwritten by so-called friends of the unhoused is the true tragedy here. The homeless need tough love, not more enabling empathy.

I also find the implication that an Olympia firefighter would deliberately use a fire hose to “blast” people or their belongings for fun to be a completely disgusting and irresponsible notion. You talk about respect, how about extending that same respect to the men and women who serve this community and often are the first to respond to overdoses in these awful camps.

From: Car fire in The Jungle pits homeless residents against firefighters

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