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I wouldn't be surprised to find out that some of the fire department personnel thought they'd have some fun blasting a few of those second class sub humans. I mean how doesn't want to feel better about themselves by disrespecting somebody that doesn't have the power to fight back or disadvantaged in some way. Just looking at the comments to this story i think they don't realize just how close they are to being homeless, or that an onset of mental illness will land them in the same place. Reminds me of a buddy of mine, when driving by the people parked along the reflection lake, he get's upset because those people are living there rent free, not paying property taxes. I suggested he could too. Nothing was stopping him from grabbing an old leaky RV and living in it. I mean it's your choice, right now. With a good paying job, health insurance etc., but is it a choice if you lose your job, and of course the health insurance tied to a job?

From: Car fire in The Jungle pits homeless residents against firefighters

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