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I've been following this story and it makes me feel sick thinking that this historical tree is even considered for removal. I agree with many other commenter's there is more about development than safety. You can feed us with safety concerns to convince yourself (mayor & council) but you aren't fooling the people that live and work in this community. I find the city of Tumwater has been proved to make irresponsible decisions before , like the trees recently cut down that lined Israel road along DOH building. Which they planted initially. But used the reason of damage to sidewalk. Who is running the city & making terrible choices like planting a tree knowing the roots do grow? Waste of time & money. I say use supports on the Oak, or move the road this tree has value over & above the needs of industrial expansion. And make better choices at the ballot replace the powers that be they are not representing the community well.

From: Tumwater city administrator takes responsibility for process that led to plans to cut down the Davis-Meeker tree

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