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Shame on Lisa Parks and Mayor Sullivan and the city council members who sat at the Tuesday meeting looking board to death! Shame on Lisa who shuffled through papers while residents expressed their opinions during the meeting….never once looking up or listening. Her mind is made up. Shame on mayor Sullivan …your comparing the Meeker tree to a person given a stage 4 diagnosis….you say cut down the tree…no treatment….is that what you want for a human given that diagnosis …at least try to save the life!

Lisa has an agenda….this is step one and she’s gotten the mayor suckered in on it.

Wake up City Council….listen to your voters….do something before it’s too late. I agree there are dates on the calendar already to take this tree down…..sneaky and shameful!

From: Tumwater city administrator takes responsibility for process that led to plans to cut down the Davis-Meeker tree

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