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No, Bev Bennet, I do not think these things are just so happening to be coincidental. Nope, not at all.

We've already told Tumwater the vast majority of people living in Thurston County do NOT want the airport expanded. Is it coincidental that Amazon built a big warehouse (currently UNUSED) within a few miles of an airport for their cargo planes? Nope.

No, the Meeker Oak is merely a target, a convenient, oh, it's Not Safe! Oh, now that it's gone, let's go ahead with our plan to ram this airport expansion down our throats...or more likely, up our rear ends. Tumwater's Mayor doesn't give a darn what we want. There's money to be made, and if the local populace suffers, so what. AS the

senior aviation analyst who was the spokesman for CACC, the plan to put an international airport in thurston county said, "someone has to pull the short straw." I told him, that's only fair if EVERYONE has to pull a straw rather than two sites in Pierce and one in Thurston County. That man now lives in Yakima.

I've been saying for years that the Olympia airport has done nothing for Thurston county in general. It is the playground for a few wealthy private aircraft owners, a private facility paid for by the public.

It needs to be decommissioned and the land returned to Thurston County as a place for recreate. The hangers can be used by businesses. The land itself can be used for things like running tracks, a skate park for kids, an off leash park for dog owners, an arena for horse shows, soccer fields, softball fields, etc. THe land to the one end of the airport was used to establish Mazama pocket gophers, again, paid for by us taxpayers, but the Mayor and the airport don't care.

I also say the old hanger should be preserved, The air evac helicopters can use that part of the airport.

Instead of cutting down the Meeker oak, let's reroute Hwy 99 around it...on the airport's side of the fence.

How much do you want to bet that Mayor will say, oh, maybe I'll think about having it cut down, I'll let yo know by the end of the month, but one dark night, and then Somehow, Just SOMEHOW, in the middle of a night, it comes down? Oh darn, she'll say, I have no idea who did this, II swear I'll find out who vandalised that tree.

I say: Save the Tree. Cut down the Mayor.

From: Tumwater mayor decides to remove Davis-Meeker Oak

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